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The Ohio Small Police Department Association

Dynamics of Officer/Citizen Encounters

  • 23 Mar 2022
  • 08:00 - 17:00
  • Lake Erie College

OSPDA Training Partner: Command Presence

Command Presence is offering a 10% discount on all training courses.

Enter Code "OSPDA" when signing up for class.

Police interactions with citizens are in the national spotlight. What previously wouldn't have made the local paper now makes national news. Officers need tools to effectively engage citizens in a professional manner without compromising their own safety in the process. That's why Dynamics of Officer/Citizen Encounters was created. Through guided discussions, video analysis and case studies, participants will examine:

Current Research about the Threats to Officer Safety

Think CLEAR: 5 Keys to Officer Safety and Performance

Communication: It's About More Than Just Talking

Know Your Authority: Keeping Contacts Lawful

Emotional Intelligence: The Most Important Tool on Your Tool Belt

Adaptive Decision Making:
Tools for Increased Officer Safety

COST: 179.00

Registration: https://commandpresence.net/register



Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Police Department March 23, 2022

Cost: $179.00

The Ohio Small Police Department Association is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) 


Jeffrey Ehasz, Executive Director

Phone: (912) 227-4440

Email: jehasz@ospda.org

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 283
Wellington, Ohio 44090

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